Aquaculture & Fisheries Specialist
Delaware Aquaculture Resource Center
Sea Grant Marine Advisory Program
University of Delaware
College of College of Earth, Ocean, and Environment
University of Delaware
Lewes, DE 19958
Phone: (302) 645-4060
Fax: (302) 645-4213
M.S. Marine Studies, University of Delaware, 1985
B.S. Zoology, University of Rhode Island, 1973
Mr. Ewart’s current field based research involves stock enhancement and restoration of bivalve suspension feeding shellfish (oyster and hard clam) populations for habitat creation/improvement and other beneficial ecological services (estuarine water quality improvement, benthic-pelagic coupling; nutrient cycling and sediment geochemistry). Other interests include shellfish and fin fish aquaculture; aquatic production systems/live transport; commercial and recreational fisheries; water quality management; technology transfer and training; aquaculture policy; public education and Information Technologies.