Marwan Rasamny

Chairperson & Associate Professor
Computer and Information Science
Delaware State University

Delaware State University

304 Science Center North
1200 N Dupont Hwy, Dover, DE 19901

Phone: 302-857-7896
Fax: 302-857-6552

  • Ph.D., Physics, University of Connecticut, Storrs
    M.S., Physics, University of Connecticut, Storrs
    B.S., Computer Science and Mathematics, Pace University

Research Overview:

Dr. Rasamny’s main research areas of interest include first principles and other (both formal and computational) approaches to electronic, magnetic and structural properties of condensed matter systems. He has worked on understanding binary alloy phase diagrams using a combinations of first-principles calculations and statistical mechanics. Dr. Rasamny has been engaged in development of parallel computational first-principles techniques to study defects and other properties of Ni-Al and Pd based systems; the later with particular emphasis on improving catalytic properties. He has interest in developing quality interatomic potentials from first-principles calculations for use in molecular dynamics calculations to study large complex systems. He is currently engaged in developing data-base supported system for undergraduate student advising and tracking and a collaborative scheduling system. He is also in the process of completing the construction of a high performance computational cluster consisting of 100 (64 bit) processors connected via a high-bandwidth, low-latency network.

Dr. Rasamny has designed and taught parallel processing and compiler courses at Delaware State University. In addition, he has taught telecommunications, computer networks, and operations research.

Dr. Rasamny is an author or a coauthor of 2 conference papers and 10 refereed journals. His current grants include:

  • PI, MRI, Acquisition of a High Performance Computational Cluster at an HBCU for the Support of a Research and Research Training in Computer Science, Engineering and Physics, NSF
  • CO-PI, Seeds of Success: A Comprehensive Program for the Retention, Quality Training, and Advancement of STEM Students, NSF
  • Affiliated faculty, Delaware IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence, NIH