The University of Delaware Board of Trustees approved promotions of 55 faculty members at its spring meeting May 12. All are effective with the 2015-16 academic year.
Seventeen faculty members were promoted to professor with tenure, one was promoted to professor without tenure, 31 to associate professor with tenure, and four to associate professor without tenure and two to assistant professor.
Promoted to professor were Deborah Allen, biological sciences; Constantin Bacuta, mathematical sciences; Svilen Bobev, chemistry and biochemistry; Huantian Cao and Jaehee Jung, both fashion and apparel studies; Andrea Everard, accounting and management information systems; Benjamin Fleury-Steiner, sociology; Nancy Getchell, kinesiology and applied physiology; Jonathan Justice, School of Public Policy and Administration; Jung-Youn Lee, plant and soil sciences; Kent Messer, applied economics and statistics; Anna Papafragou, psychological and brain studies; Christopher Roberts, chemical and biomolecular engineering; Heidi Sarver, music; Julian Yates, English; Jingyi Yu, computer and information sciences; and Neal Zondlo, chemistry and biochemistry.
David Teague in the Associate in Arts Program was promoted to professor without tenure.
Named associate professor with tenure were James Anderson, Philip Duker, Chad Nicholson and Blake Smith, all music; Cristina Archer, School of Marine Science and Policy; Siobhan Carroll, Emily Davis and Stephanie Kerschbaum, all English; Clara Chan, geological sciences; Michelle Cirillo, mathematical sciences; John D’Arcy and George Tsakumis, both accounting and management information systems; Cynthia Diefenbeck and Regina Sims, both nursing; Hui Fang, electrical and computer engineering; Elizabeth Farley-Ripple and Henry May, School of Education; Adam Fleischhacker, business administration; Philip Jones, political science and international relations; Shannon Lennon-Edwards, behavioral health and nutrition; Adrienne Lucas, economics; Ikram Masmoudi, foreign languages and literatures; Barret Michalec, sociology; Susanne Morton, physical therapy; Rhonda Prisby, kinesiology and applied physiology; Joel Rosenthal and Don Watson, both chemistry and biochemistry; Katalin Takacs-Haynes, business administration; Erik Thostenson, mechanical engineering; Randall Wisser, plant and soil sciences; and Changquing Wu, animal and food sciences.
Promoted to associate professor without tenure were Ryan Beveridge, psychological and brain sciences; Christine Cucciarre, English; Asima Saad Maura, foreign languages and literatures; and Brian Peasnall, Associate in Arts Program.
New assistant professors are Sandy Baker, behavioral health and nutrition; and Ellen Monk, accounting and management information systems.
Clara Chan, geological sciences
Jung-Youn Lee, plant & soil sciences