Professor and Chair
Mathematical Sciences
University of Delaware
Department of Mathematical Sciences
501A Ewing Hall
Newark, DE 19716
Phone: (302) 831-1467
Fax: (302) 831-4511
Ph.D. Mathematical Sciences, New Jersey Institute of Technology, 1997
BS Mathematics, University of Massachusetts, 1992
Dr. Pelesko is an applied mathematician interested in the development and application of mathematical methods to the physical and biological sciences. He has worked on problems in the microwave heating of ceramics, electron beam welding, diffusion in polymers, solidification thermomechanics, thermoelastic stability and shock dynamics. His current research is focused upon the mathematical modeling of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS) and self-assembly. He is interested in bio-mimetic devices, i.e., those that utilize nature’s mechanisms in their function.
Dr. Pelesko has been at the University of Delaware since 2002. Prior to arriving at UD he was a faculty member at the Georgia Institute of Technology and a postdoc at the California Institute of Technology.