Histotechnician Technology Program Director/Instructor
Department of Allied Health/Science
Delaware Tech
Delaware Technical and Community College
333 Shipley Road, WSE 308k
Wilmington, DE 19801
Email: wlynch@college.dtcc.edu
Phone: (302) 571-5320
Fax: (302) 577-6431
Residency, Emergency Medicine: Methodist Hospital, Indianapolis, IN: 1983
M.D. Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, GA: 1980
B. Sc. Chemistry, University of Georgia, Athens, GA: 1976
Being the Director of the Associate Degree – Histotechnician Technology Program at Delaware Technical and Community College, Dr. Lynch is involved in maintaining a curriculum and faculty which will educate and train our students for entry-level skills to meet the needs of our local employers. This area of biotechnology provides classic anatomical pathology services for hospitals/private laboratories and high technology services such as genomic health care for research centers and pharmaceutical companies. Areas of Histotechnician education include:
These workforce demands translate back to our organization as increased demands for more education within the new technology fields.
Dr. Lynch’s background includes the medical practice in Emergency Medicine and Family Medicine, technology development, executive in health systems administration, and educator. He brings our institution the ability to tie the advances in technology to the curriculum needs for our areas of biotechnology. Developing a strong workforce will improve the economic development of Delaware and the region.