GPU Hackathon Lecture:
“Expanding the Impact of High-Performance and Cloud Computing in Cancer Applications”
Dr. Eric Stahlberg
National Cancer Institute Center for Biomedical Informatics and Information Technology
The expanded use of high-performance and cloud computing are transforming the future for cancer research and clinical applications. The recently announced collaboration between the National Cancer Institute and the US Department of Energy joins earlier initiatives including the NCIP Cancer Cloud Pilots and the Genomic Data Commons that help establish an advance look at the future where both high-performance and cloud computing are used regularly to accelerate research, foster sharing of information and collaborative efforts, and help realize the tremendous potential for cancer when big data and massive computing converge with expertise and domain knowledge to tackle the most challenging problems. The presentation will highlight several efforts underway within the NCI Center for Biomedical Informatics to expand the impact of large-scale computing in cancer applications.
Dr. Stahlberg currently leads a new HPC program and strategy for the National Cancer Institute Center for Biomedical Informatics and Information Technology after spending several years directing bioinformatics support for the NCI Center for Cancer Research. As a post-doc at Argonne National Laboratory in 1992 and later while working at Cray Research, he developed cutting-edge computational chemistry applications for top supercomputers of the day. He led the establishment of bioinformatics resources at the Ohio Supercomputer Center from 2000-2007 to support the Ohio life science research community, while conducting applications research on emerging computer architectures. He guided the rapid growth of the Computational Science program at Wittenberg University from 2007-2010, nearly quadrupling the size of the program. Today, Dr. Stahlberg draws on this breadth and depth of experience across computational science domains and organizations to identify computational opportunities to advance cancer research and clinical applications now and into the future.
303 Gore Hall
University of Delaware
Newark, DE 19716
Hosting Organization:
Computer & Information Sciences
University of Delaware
May 5, 2016
5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.