This symposium will explore the current landscape and emerging areas of biotherapeutics featuring thought-leaders from industry and academia. This day-long symposium will comprise of short talks, panel discussions and dialog to help inform the University of Delaware’s efforts in creating new programs that align and evolve with the needs of the broader biopharmaceutical/bioscience community.
Thusday, September 19, 2019 from 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
STAR Tower Audion, 100 Discovery Blvd., Newark, DE 19713
Featured Speakers
Abraham Lenhoff
University of Delaware
“The Science of Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing”
Doug Nesta
Sr. Director
“The Long & Winding Road- A Biopharm Development Journey”
Mike Naso
V.P. Cell Engineering
Century Therapeutics
“The Future of Engineered Cell Therapies”
Jonathan Lai
Albert Einstein College of Medicine
“Structure-based design of flavivus immunogens”
Tony Kossiakoff
University of Chicago
“Recombinant Antibody Network: Model for Academic-Pharma Collaborations”
8:00 – 8:45am Arrival and Registration
8:45 – 9:00am Introduction
9:00 – 11:35am Speaker Session 1
11:35 – 12:45pm Lunch
12:45 – 2:45pm Speaker Session 2
2:45 – 5:00pm Keynote Session and Interview